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IEEE UFFC Society Newsletter
May-December 2013   UFFC Homepage  Editor-in-Chief: Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb
In this issue
Transactions on UFFC
For any comments, suggestions etc. please contact Editor-in-Chief Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb at
2. Events of the UFFC Joint Symposia
The 2014 IFCS TPC meeting
Judges, Bernard Dulmet and Rick Puccio evaluating Yu Hui from Northeastern University during the student paper competition.
The 2013 UFFC joint symposia started at 8:30am on July 22. IFCS-EFTF was represented by three parallel oral sessions through the following four days, with poster sessions after lunch each day. The student paper competition was also carried out during the poster session. Jeronimo Segovia-Fernandez from the Carnegie Mellon University was the winner due to his complete work and excellent presentation.
     The 1st TPC meeting of the IFCS 2014 was held at noon of the first day of the joint symposia. The general chair, Wan-Thai Hsu, and the TPC Chair, Gregory Weaver, were presented a status update of the 2014 IFCS to all TPC members. The main purpose of this meeting was to propose the candidates for plenary and invited talks next year, as well as to confirm the important dates of the call for papers, abstract submission, on-line reviewing, and 2nd TPC meeting. Deviating from previous IFCS symposia, the 2nd TPC meeting will no longer require in person meeting. In person meeting will be limited to the general chair, TPC chair, and group chairs who have to finalize the program. Group chair will be responsible for hosting a remote meeting for each group via Skype or other Live Meeting software before the 2nd TPC meeting to perform abstract evaluation and prepare potential sessions. This change would significantly save time and travel expense for all TPC members.
     The conference banquet was held in part at the Zofin Palace and attended by approximately 1,200 participants. Free-flowing wine, pleasant music, and delicious food added the beauty of the locale. More than 600 attendees (mostly students) enjoyed alternative conference banquet, through a tour of Prague by night with river boats.


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