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In this issue
Transactions on UFFC
The February Issue of Transactions on UFFC is in the mail and is retrievable now from IEEE Xplore, the IEEE online digital library.
All UFFC members can access the online edition using their IEEE Account.
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For Newsletter comments, suggestions, critique, etc. contact Mike Garvey
IUS Standing Committee Report by Jafar Saniie (as summarized from the Meeting Minutes by Mike Garvey) The Ultrasonics Standing Committee, (UltraCom) met in Chicago on the evening of September 2, 2014 in conjunction with the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. Seven voting members were present, as were 18 additional UFFC-S members. The Chairman, Jafar Saniie, provided a brief summary of the IUS 2014 including a record number of submitted abstracts as well as attendees. There will be a Special Issue of Transactions of the UFFC associated with IUS 2014. Jim Miller, IUS Awards Chair, discussed proposed name changes to two recent IUS awards: from “Young Investigator Award” to the “Early Career Investigator Award" which was approved at the previous May '14 UltraCom meeting and to delete the word "achievement" from the “IEEE Carl Hellmuth Hertz Ultrasonics Achievement Award”. The latter change was brought to a vote and was passed unanimously. Pai-Chi Li, the General Chair for IUS 2015 in Taiwan, presented an overview of the venue and schedule; discussion of an advanced distribution of the proceedings followed, with a agreed need for further study. Sandy Cochran provided a presentation in support of Glasgow Scotland as a venue for the 2019 IUS; after some discussion, the venue was approved by UltraCom. In depth presentations of aspects of IUS 2014 followed, including the Technical Program by Jan D'Hooge, Short Courses by Mario Kupnik, and Exhibitions by Larry Kessler.
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