An IEEE Conference Proceeding is the published collection of technical papers accepted for presentation at a conference. When preparing the conference proceedings you must:

  • Set the pricing for the proceedings
  • Gather content for the proceedings
  • Follow IEEE guidelines for branding and trademarks
  • Prepare content for distribution to conference attendees

Prepare for distribution at the conference

The Publication Chair decides whether to distribute the proceedings or other publications at the conference. You can choose the format, such as print, CD, DVD, or USB. If you distribute the proceedings, you can create it yourself or choose a vendor to assist you.

All papers to be included in IEEE Xplore® must be in IEEE Xplore–compliant format.

Set the price

Conferences can sell copies of the proceedings on site during the conference. The price for the proceedings should be set before registration, so the cost is included with the registration. When sold separately, you should offer a discounted rate to IEEE members.

Gather content

The Publications Chair is responsible for the design and organization of the conference proceedings. 

Proceedings Format Minimum Required Content
Printed Front cover, spine, back cover, title page, copyright page, table of contents, technical papers, and author index
Digital Media (CD, DVD, or USB) Title screen, copyright page, table of contents, technical papers, and author index. The physical media must also be labeled with the title, part number, and ISBN.

Other types of content that you might include are cover art, messages from the Conference Chair, listings of Conference Chair and members, listings of sponsors, photographs, and other conference information.

Follow IEEE guidelines for branding, copyright, and trademarks

IEEE maintains a consistent global identity through the use of the IEEE Master Brand. By using the IEEE brand on your publications, your conference will be identified with IEEE. It is important that you protect the IEEE name and brand through the proper use of the brand, trademarks, and copyright.

Review and follow IEEE guidelines for the use of the IEEE brand, logos, trademarks, and copyrights.

Who do you talk to at IEEE?

IEEE is ready to help. If you have questions about how to prepare your proceedings, please contact Conference Operations.

Do you have other questions about organizing a conference? Please see IEEE Conference Organizer Contacts.

Do you have feedback on the information on this page?

  • Is there missing or incorrect information?
  • Do you have a tip to share?

Please send your feedback to IEEE Conferences, Events & Experiences (CEE).