Submit your research to an IEEE conference

Benefits of IEEE conference proceedings

  • Breadth of content: papers on topics from grid computing to wireless communications
  • The latest research: often published before other leading journals
  • Unequaled depth: 3 million conference papers are available, and more than 1,700 conference proceedings titles are published each year
  • Quality of content: papers authored by innovators of today's top emerging technologies. Most IEEE conferences follow a paper-selection process and many have peer-review procedures

IEEE member access options

  • Search and view the enriched abstracts of more than 4 million documents in the IEEE Xplore® digital library including all IEEE journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and standards.
  • Subscribe to the IEEE Member Digital Library, which offers access to more than 5 million documents from IEEE journals and conference proceedings, with select content dating back to the late 1800s. Subscribers may access up to 25 articles every month.

Individual access

  • All researchers may conduct basic searches, browse tables of content, and view article abstracts for all titles in the IEEE online collection, or browse printed proceedings in IEEE Xplore.

Single article/paper sales options

IEEE Xplore conference proceedings title lists

The following spreadsheets list all IEEE conference titles found (or soon to be found) in IEEE Xplore. These lists are fully searchable and include data such as:

  • Conference titles
  • Meeting dates and locations
  • ISBNs (if applicable)
  • Subscription-package information, indicating the package affiliation for each titlee.g., IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL), IEEE Proceedings Order Plans (POP & POP All)
  • Whether titles were added to IEEE Xplore

These spreadsheets are updated frequently; the last update is listed for each spreadsheet. Each list is available to download as an Excel file, can be sorted or customized, and is fully searchable.


IEEE CEE Services:
+1 800 810 4333 (US & Canada)
+1 732 465 7810 (Worldwide)

IEEE CEE General Inquiries:
+1 855 340 4333 (US & Canada)
+1 732 562 3878 (Worldwide)

IEEE Merchant Lending Program:
+1 732 562 5391 (Worldwide)

Subscription Options
IEEE Proceedings Order Plans (POP/POP ALL): Collections of leading IEEE conference proceedings are available online for libraries and their patrons. These online collections provide access more than 2,000 current conference proceedings and a backfile to 2017. Learn more.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
The industry's most comprehensive reference resource, IEL provides unparalleled full-text access to IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, and conference proceedings, as well as active IEEE standards—nearly 6 million documents in all.
IEEE Enterprise

Flexible access for any-sized organization. Pre-purchase a set number of downloads from the full collection of IEEE magazines, journals, and conference proceedings.