IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Membership *

Organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments.


IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Membership *

Antenna systems and electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering in complex media for wireless communication, sensing, medical, and other applications.


IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Membership *

A broadcasting slant on: equipment, techniques and systems related to production, wired and wireless distribution, transmission, propagation and reception.


IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Membership *

Theoretical foundations, applications, architectures, as well as circuits and systems implementation of algorithms for signal & information processing.


IEEE Communications Society Membership *

Information transfer with signals: terminals, computers, systems and operations, transmission media networks, layout, protocol, and architecture.


IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Membership *

Biological and linguistic computational paradigms: neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems.


IEEE Computer Society Membership

All major areas of computing and information technology: computer hardware, software, multimedia, IT, security, networking, mobile computing, and more.


IEEE Consumer Technology Society Membership *

All aspects of the modeling, design, construction, testing, and end-use of mass-market smart devices, systems, software, artificial intelligence, big data technology and services for advanced consumer products and services.


IEEE Control Systems Society Membership *

Design, automatic control, and optimization of dynamic systems, both physical and human-made: theoretical advances and applications in diverse technological areas of societal and economic importance.


IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society Membership *

Materials, measurements, numerical modelling, components, applications and systems pertinent to dielectrics and electrical insulation.

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