Current, Wave, Turbulence Measurement and Applications, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

Current, Wave, Turbulence Measurement and Applications, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

The Current, Wave, Turbulence Measurement and Applications Technology Committee is concerned with methods of measuring dynamic physical parameters of the oceans and applying them to solving problems for society. The technologies used include sensors for physical, chemical and biological oceanography, and include in situ instruments as well as land-based or water-based remote sensing. Understanding of fluid dynamics requires fast, small, precise, non-invasive probes, and any applications require high spatial and temporal resolution. These technologies represent a continuation of the development of direct sensors but other techniques like correlation sonar and drifting floats offer alternatives. Survivability of sensors remains an issue, particularly in harbors and where fishing is intense on the shelf.

Interests of the technology committee are in developing and validating instruments for measurement as well as in applications in oceanography and environmental impacts. Observations and related data analytics are required for studies of the general circulation; pollution fingerprinting, transport and diffusion; vertical and horizontal profiles of current in harbors and rivers; spatial mapping of currents in estuaries, rivers and dams; boundary layer studies; wave fields; and pollution and hazard management. Knowledge of these parameters leads to improved safety and efficiency in shipping, coastal engineering and management of coastal waters and marine reserves.

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