Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Technology Committee on

The Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems Technology Committee supports the development and deployment of fully sustainable and affordable systems for harvesting energy offshore, and delivering that energy in appropriate forms for human use. Thus, offshore wind power plant, tidal-range and tidal-stream generation plant, wave energy converters, systems generating electricity from thermal gradients and/or salinity gradients, offshore solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and systems for the offshore farming of algae and other biomass are all within the scope. Coupled with these energy harvesting technologies, the scope necessarily embraces systems for energy storage such as the various forms of offshore pumped-hydro, underwater compressed air storage and storage of synthesised energy vectors as well as systems for power transmission across stretches of the ocean/sea. Integrated systems comprising systems for energy harvesting, storage and transmission are central.

The scope includes energy-resultants (energy services) as well as energy. As an example, if cooling is required on a Mediterranean island, it may be better to pump cool water from deep in the Mediterranean than to generate electricity offshore and consume that in heat-pumps onshore. Other examples could include offshore data-processing, mineral/metal processing and refinement, and aircraft fuel synthesis. The OSES Technology Committee partners with the Offshore Energy and Storage Society to run regular workshops and conferences.

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