Algorithms for Planning Control..., IEEE Robotics and Automation Technical Committee on
As modern robots address real-world problems in dynamic, unstructured, and open environments, novel challenges arise in the areas of robot control algorithms and motion planning. These challenges stem from an increased need for autonomy and flexibility in robot motion and task execution. Adequate algorithms for control and motion planning will have to capture high-level motion strategies that adapt to sensor feedback. The technical committee for Algorithms for planning and Control of Robot Motion promotes algorithms research, both basic and application-driven, towards these objectives.
Priority areas for the technical committee include:
- Consideration of sensing modalities and uncertainty in planning and control algorithms.
- Development of representations and motion strategies capable of incorporating feedback signals
- Motion subject to constraints, arising from kinematics, dynamics, and nonholonomic systems.
- Addressing the characteristics of dynamic environments.
- Developing control and planning algorithms for hybrid systems.
- Understanding the complexity of algorithmic problems in control and motion planning.
- Encouraging the application of planning algorithms in novel application area.