IEEE Access

IEEE Access is an award-winning, multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. Supported by author publication fees, its hallmarks are a rapid peer-review and publication process with open access to all readers. IEEE Access received the 2015 PROSE Award for Best New Journal in STM (science, technology, and medicine) and one of its articles was awarded the 2015 Donald G. Fink Prized Paper Award. It is included in Thomson Reuters Web of Science, including the 2016 JCR, and is indexed by Inspec, Ei Compendex, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar. IEEE Access is also listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal is ideal for authors who want to quickly announce recent developments, methods, or new products to a broad audience.


IEEE open access publications are available electronically at no cost.