Discover IEEE's newest publications as well as hand-selected products, often covering the latest technology areas.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Practice
IEEE Robotics and Automation Practice seeks to publish results whose value to the practitioner is clear. Articles can include algorithms, code, methodologies, and designs that demonstrate either improvements over the state of the art or a new practical ap
Format(s): Electronic
IEEE Data Descriptions is a journal that publishes short articles on all aspects of data: data descriptors, data collections, and metadata.
The IEEE Electron Devices Reviews publishes review papers, special topics, tutorial papers, history, and plenary lectures on fundamental physical electronics, basic physical electronics, and all aspects of manufacturing related to electron and ion devices
Format(s): Electronic
Circuits and Systems for Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on
IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Artificial Intelligence focuses on one of the three cornerstones of the booming AI technology - computing hardware. The computing efficiency of AI circuits and systems and its tradeoff with the complexity and pe
Format(s): Electronic
Field Robotics, IEEE Transactions on
IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics focuses on robotics designed to operate in unstructured environments. Papers should describe the application of technologies such as sensing, design, computing architectures, communication, and learning to unstructured
Format(s): Electronic
Energy Sustainability Magazine, IEEE
IEEE Energy Sustainability Magazine is dedicated to the dissemination of information and practices on all matters related to environmental sustainability and climate change, as they relate to electric power system operation and planning.
Format(s): Digital, Digital and Electronic, Electronic, Electronic and Print, Print
The IEEE Journal of Sensors Reviews publishes authoritative review papers in all areas of the field of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council. The Journal is built exclusively from review papers and perspectives, that have limited novelty and summarize the